Page 44 - newDATAmagazine | 01>05>2021
P. 44

Most  virtual  whiteboards  can  also  be             “Remote is stressful”: Be more
                shared,  so  everybody  on  the  call  can            empathetic.
                actually  write  their  ideas  down
                themselves.                                       The problem: “People in remote scenarios

            Ÿ Collaborate in the same document. When           might struggle with different roles. Apart from
               you work on a document together, share it       working in your team, they might have to teach
               with people online, so they can directly        or animate their children, cook, etc”.
               write into the document.                           Suggestions:
                                                                  Ÿ Understand  people's  situation.
                “Since we started remote work, I run                 Empathize with them.
                from one meeting to the other”:                   Ÿ Have a discussion in the whole team on
                Become selective.                                    what is going on in their lives and how to
                                                                     create a good work life balance.
            The problem: “Setting a meeting is very easy          Ÿ Together define rules for when and when
         now.  So  people  do  it  fast  and  often.  The            not to contact each other.
         number of virtual meetings has exploded.”                Remote  work  well  done,  can  actually
            Suggestions:                                       enhance our lives. But as with every skill, we
                                                               have to try, improve and grow the competence.
            Ÿ Ask  yourself  if  the  meeting  is  really      Overtime  remote  work  will  become  second
                                                               nature. In the future in some areas remote work
            Ÿ Do we have to discuss all the points on          w i l l   b e   t h e   m a i n   m o d u s   o p e r a n d i ,
               the  agenda  in  the  meeting?  Or  might       complemented  by  some  in-person  meetings
               some issues actually be solved via email?       during the year. So let's embrace it, and make it
            Ÿ Ask  yourself  if  all  the  people  are         work.
                                                                                 Oliver Röhrich
            Ÿ Create  buffer  times  in  your  calendar  to
               work and reflect?                                                  Formador, Facilitador, Palestrante
                                                                                 e Coach Executivo para Liderança,
            Ÿ And finally: Learn to say no to the meeting                         Mudança organizacional e Vendas
               (or at least to part of the meeting)                                  Perfil | Profile

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