Page 43 - newDATAmagazine | 01>05>2021
P. 43



              5 simple ideas to make

                                               MANAGING REMOTE TEAMS


            COVID19  made  most  companies

         move to a remote working model and                           “People do not participate as much”:

                                                                      Be more directive, when you are
         this model is most likely to stay in one
         form or another. Over time managers

         have adapted to the new normal. But                      The problem: “When you have a meeting in a
                                                               meeting room, you might say: 'Let's hear what
         there are still some points you might
                                                               everybody  has  to  say.'  You  start  with  one
         struggle with. This article wants to give             person and the person next to him/her already

         5 simple tricks that might help you too               knows  that  he/she  will  have  to  talk  next.  In
                                                               remote meeting doing the same most likely will
         boost  your  remote  work  with  your
                                                               provoke silence”.

                                                                  Ÿ Show a list of names and say that this is
                “Remote is distant”: Get closer by
                                                                     the order you want them to answer the
                being more frequent.

            The problem: “We don't work side by side. So          Ÿ Ask people directly.
         you don't see what people are working on, and            Ÿ Ask people to write down their answers
         what difficulties they have.”                                 first.  In  this  way  they  will  feel  more

            Suggestions:                                             comfortable  to  participate  in  the

            Ÿ Be  more  frequent  in  being  with  them.             discussion afterwards.
               Instead of long team meetings, do quick 5
               minute check-ins with people.                          “Remote is too auditive”: Be more
            Ÿ Do a 10 minute virtual stand-up meeting 3
               times a week: Monday to align the week.            The  problem:  “In  meeting  rooms,  people
               Wednesday at noon to see the status and         write down important points on the whiteboard
               define  the  strategy until  the  end  of  the   or  flipchart.  In  virtual  environments,  most

               week.  Friday  afternoon  to  sum  up  the      people don't do this.”
               week.  You  might  follow  the  agile
               questions: “What have I done since our             Suggestions:
               last meeting? What will I do until our next        Ÿ Use  virtual  whiteboards  (e.g.  Microsoft
               meeting? What is an obstacle that I face              w h i t e b o a r d ,   g o o g l e   j a m b o a r d ,

               at the moment?”                                       conceptboard) to write the ideas down.

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