Page 38 - newDATAmagazine® | 16>08>2022
P. 38


                                                                Smart City

             «A smart city is a place where traditional
          networks and services are made more efficient
          with the use of digital solutions for the
          benefit of its inhabitants and business.

             A smart city goes beyond the use of digital
          technologies for better resource use and less
          emissions. It means smarter urban transport
          networks, upgraded water supply and waste

          disposal facilities and more efficient ways to
          light and heat buildings. It also means a more
          interactive and responsive city administration,
          safer public spaces and meeting the needs of
          an ageing population.»

                        EUROPEAN COMMISSION | READ MORE

              «A smart city is a municipality that uses information
           and communication technologies (ICT) to increase
           operational efficiency, share information with the public
           and improve both the quality of government services and
           citizen welfare.

              While the exact definition varies, the overarching
           mission of a smart city is to optimize city functions and
           drive economic growth while improving quality of life for
           its citizens using smart technology and data analysis.

           Value is given to the smart city based on what they
           choose to do with the technology, not just how much
           technology they may have.»

                                                     TECHTARGET | READ MORE

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