Page 18 - newDATAmagazine | 04>08>2021
P. 18

So, as you have already connected the dots,        Store to buy clothes, you may look at colors,
         this are problems with deep granularity, many         size,  fashion,  practicality,  cost,  usage,  need,
         dimensions, usually collected and processed           endurance,  social  fitness,  wardrobe  fit,
         at high speed.                                        alternative  stores  to  buy,  and  many  more.
                                                               These are dimensions of the problem. You will
            Granularity                                        inevitably collect information about this. But

            If our problem has to deal with very specific       how  will  you  do  it?  Trying?  Picking  it  up?
         details for each case, that means lots of data to     Strolling around a store and looking at it? Lots

         collect.  Let's  say  a  written  complaint  or  an   of  data  in  a  variety  of  forms,  all  there  to  be
         invoice,  for  example.  This  isn't  only  a  page.   stored (pun intended) and processed.
         This page gets its meaning from the words in it,         Speed
         this words have context and form, and create a
         collective meaning. To understand it, you have           Humans  are  slow  and  inaccurate  when

         to relate this to large datasets where you can        producing  and  collecting  data,  so  we  have
         get  the  meaning,  to  accept  all  forms,  to       populated  the  world  with  sensors  of  many
         embrace the way people express themselves,            kinds. From the simplest, like thermometers, to
         like using pictures, even video. Sometimes you        the more complex, like SETI. And in between,
         e v e n   h a v e   t o   u n d e r s t a n d   t h e   we now have cameras everywhere, beacons,
         person/organization,  or  at  least  the              hotspots,  GSM,  3G,  4G,  5G,  radars,  satellite

         relationship you've established with her/it.          imagery,  location/movement,  System-to-
                                                               system  communications,  traffic,  automation,
            Dimensionality                                     even objects are becoming a source for this

            You often read and hear how our 3D world           kind of data, with IoT. So, even if the all world
         has a 4  dimension, time, and it has become           lied down and took a nap we would still have a
         common  to  hear  about  the  5   dimension  or       huge  amount  of  data  being  processed.
         other-wordly buzzwords, but the fact is that all      Because  systems  don't  take  naps  and  they
         phenomena  is  n-dimensional,  which  just            move at very high speeds. And take data even

         means it has many sides to it. If you go to a         from the non-moving parts.

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