Page 32 - newDATAmagazine | 01>05>2021
P. 32

There  are  now  many  more  people  using         not seised the opportunity to really rethink and
         social technology to do their work. However,          transform their way of working, I foresee that

         the majority is using these tools as a digital        many organisations will push their teams back
         version of their long-lived ways of working. The      to  the  office  and  to  the  known  reality  of  in-
         face-to-face meetings became video calls; the         person work.
         water  cooler  moments  were  transferred  to            I totally get it. If you compare face-to-face
         often-awkward  weekly  online  sessions;  the         and online meetings, the former offer a better
         random requests for help to the colleague in          experience; if you want to keep an eye on your
         the nearby desk became direct messages on             team, it is easier to do so in the office. But why

         any given chat platform.                              are we not questioning the need for meetings,
            Initially  I  got  excited  with  the  prospect  of   or at least for so many of them? Why are we not
         these  imposed  switches  actually  leading  to       designing performance evaluation focused on
         deeper  and  long-lasting  changes  to  the  way      work quality and not desk time? Why are we not

         teams work, the way performance is appraised,         rethinking  the  way  we  communicate  and
         the way leaders guide and inspire their teams,        collaborate with each other?
         the way organisations engage their people, or            For the last 20 years I have been trying to get
         the way people learn with each other.                 more  organisations  to  see  the  potential  of

            Now, when I listen to conversations around         embracing  enterprise  social  tools  such  as
         me, I sense that most organisations are merely        Microsoft  Teams,  Workplace  by  Facebook,
         using social technologies as interim solutions        Slack, Atlassian's Jira, and many others, to:
         until they are given the green light to go back to       Ÿ work smarter and be more effective;
         the office. Back to normal, as they see it.                Ÿ generate,  circulate  and  retain  critical
            For  many  management  boards,  for  many             Ÿ collaborate  and  communicate  across
         leaders, these tools have been a great way to               time,  geographies,  hierarchies  and
         stay afloat, to survive. But because they have               functions.

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