Page 33 - newDATAmagazine | 01>05>2021
P. 33

In  fact,  most  enterprise  social  platforms           And when that knowledge and information
         inherently support:                                   is  made  available  like  that,  it  reduces  work
            Ÿ traceability – we can see who has done           duplication,  error  repetition,  time  wasted,
               what and when, which makes it easier to         frustration. It saves resources. It allows your
               understand how certain things came to           organisation  to  be  more  agile,  smarter  and
               be, to get in touch with those involved in      more effective, thus boosting business results.
               the process, to learn from it, to avoid work
               duplication and repeating mistakes;                This  transform,  this  internal  digital
            Ÿ asynchronous  work  –  we  no  longer            transformation, is key for the success of the
               depend on people being available all at         externally  focused  digital  transformations
               the same time, no longer rely on those          everyone have been raving about.
               never-ending  meetings,  are  no  longer           For  this  transformation  to  be  possible,
               subject  to  the  dominance  of  the            organisations  need  to  develop  digital
               extroverts or to the quickest (seldom the
               wisest) answers.                                leadership  skills  and  work  hard  to  create
            Ÿ When  you  replace  a  regular  update           trusting  cultures  that  welcome  transparency
               meeting with a page on a shared platform        and  mistakes  as  scaffolding  to  continuous
               where all team members can log issues,          improvement and engaged employees.
               work  done  and  lessons  learned,  for
               example, you have one less meeting and                            Ana Neves
               you get a shared knowledge record – a
               t r u s t - b u i l d i n g   i n s t r u m e n t   o f           Founding Partner
               transparency,  and  another  piece  for
               organisational learning.                                              Perfil | Profile

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