Page 31 - newDATAmagazine | 01>05>2021
P. 31



                                                     A wasted crisis for

                             REAL DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION

            Stanford economist Paul Romer once said
         that “a crisis is a terrible thing to waste”. All
         over  the  world,  organisations  are  totally
         wasting the current health crisis when it comes
         to  rethinking  work  practices,  teamwork,

         collaboration and leadership.
            For the last few years, digital transformation

         had been one of the darling buzzwords of the
         business  world.  To  boost  their  business
         results,  organisations  have  been  investing
         tons of resources to recreate their processes
         through the use of digital technologies.

            Such  is  their  commitment,  that  many
         organisations create new teams and appoint            communication;  knowledge  creation,  access
         dedicated  Digital  Transformation  Leads  to         and retention. It equally depends on how able,

         push forward those efforts. At the end of the         ready and willing the whole organisation is to
         day, this is a priority. And we know it is a priority,   understand and embrace the digitised world it
         if  nothing  else,  because  of  the  number  of      wants to enter.
         conferences,  webinars,  books  and  white
         papers  about  digital  transformation  which            Digital transformation is totally anchored on
         were  being  offered  on  a  daily  basis  up  until   a  shift  in  mindsets.  Despite  what  they  say,

         COVID-19 struck.                                      organisations have been extremely slow and
                                                               resistant to actually make that shift.
            It is surprising though, how the majority
         of  organisations  invest  in  digital                   When the COVID-19 pandemic so suddenly
         transformation  by  solely  focusing  on              impacted  organisations  all  over  the  world,
                                                               things  that  seemed  impossible  became
         digitising their outward-facing processes.            mandatory.  Like  working  from  home  or  not

         As if one could sustain a pretty, agile and           making  work  dependent  on  face-to-face
         efficient  exterior  without  a  matching               meetings.

         investment  in  the  internal  scaffolding:              Across  the  globe,  leaders  and  employees
         people, processes and platforms.                      were forced to use enterprise social platforms

            D i g i t a l   t r a n s f o r m a t i o n   r e l i e s   o n   to  communicate,  collaborate  and  share
         organisations being agile. And agility depends        knowledge.  These  are  the  same  platforms
         on  employees'  competencies;  teams'                 many of them have been resisting - or at least

         c o l l a b o r a t i o n   p r a c t i c e s ;   c ro s s - s i l o  ignoring – for so long.

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