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newDATA                                                                      Entrevista


            Jonathan Littman started as a tech                 'Movers and shakers' from
         journalist but soon quit his promising job, at
         24, when he found a story big enough for a            Lisbon and San Francisco are
         book. Today, with ten bestsellers under his

         belt on topics ranging from leadership to             now just a Redbridge away
         computer hacking or innovation, he is a
         recognized speaker, expert, and teacher at the
         University of San Francisco. He is also the
         founder of Redbridge Lisbon – a project he is
         particularly proud of for allowing him to be a
         “Cross-Pollinator” to uncover unique insights,
         products, and services among creative and
         intelligent people on both sides of the

            Taking advantage of his participation in
         the Q-Day Conference, an event organized by
         Quidgest in which he explored the theme
         “Innovation from within and from scratch”, we
         also asked him how to foster internal talent

         and intrapreneurship in organizations. We
         ended up finding that the key is to be more
         “battle-tested” and to “play more games”.

            What fascinates you most about                        How long does it take for innovation to
         innovation and entrepreneurship?                      happen: is it a long process, or do epiphanies
            I was very lucky to co-author two                  occur?
         bestsellers with IDEO, a famous innovation               I define innovation as some great or even
         company: “The Art of Innovation” and “The             clever idea that can be turned into a product

         Ten Faces of Innovation”. That changed my             or some tangible results capable of
         life in many ways. In fact, I feel that, as an        generating profit. The difference between
         author, I was an entrepreneur before that             innovation and invention is that innovation
         French word was used, I was taking chances.           changes behavior and can change the
         I wrote ten books, and each of those was              marketplace.
         really a startup: with its funding and its
         challenges.                                              Technology has made it possible for
                                                               innovation to become real faster, because of
            This is how I discovered that my most              social media, mobile phones, etc.

         exciting projects revolved around the
         concepts of entrepreneurship and                          So it is possible to have innovation in
         innovation.                                           months where it used to be years.

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